Monday, May 12, 2008

Demolition day 3

From Kristin: Not much progress from the last post, besides the mounting dust of demolition! This used to be the kitchen sink - now the walls are down to the studs. We have a small bar sink in the basement that is working just great for a kitchen.
If you were wondering what the top of our stairway looked like - wait no longer. This was the wall where the fridge and stove previously lived. Now the fridge is in the living room and the stove - the garage!

There has been a bit more work around the china cabinet today.

If the drawings don't give the China Cabinet justice - our goal is to create the cabinet over the stairwell. Eventually there will be a high countertop/bar looking into the kitchen and china cabinet.

1 comment:

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Thank goodness for the bar!

And what lovely "china cabinet" sketches! :)